Amazonas Region

Amazonas is a region in northern Peru that borders Ecuador. It's known for its dense cloud forests, rugged Andes mountain terrain and ancient ruins. Its most notable archaeological site is Kuélap, a pre-Incan settlement comprising hundreds of buildings ringed by a massive perimeter wall. To the south is the regional capital, Chachapoyas, a small highland city of red-tiled roofs.
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Amazonas Region Trip Planner

Amazonas Region Trip Planner

Ready to plan your trip to Amazonas Region? Organize and map your itinerary with our free trip planner.

Top destinations in Amazonas Region

1. Chachapoyas
Most popular based on reviews
Check out Fortaleza de Kuelap, Revash Mausoleo de los Chachapoyas, and more
2. Valera
21% as popular as Chachapoyas
Visit Catarata De Gocta and more
3. Leymebamba
5% as popular as Chachapoyas
Known for Museo de Leimebamba, Laguna de los Condores, and more
4. Tingo
3% as popular as Chachapoyas
Check out Kuelap and more
Cuispes District
5. Cuispes District
2% as popular as Chachapoyas
Visit Yumbilla Waterfall, Canyoning Explorer, and more
Bagua Grande
6. Bagua Grande
0% as popular as Chachapoyas
Known for Bosque Berlin, Laguna Burlan, and more
Santo Tomas
7. Santo Tomas
0% as popular as Chachapoyas
Check out Mausoleum of Revash and more
8. Lamud
0% as popular as Chachapoyas
Visit Pueblo de Los Muertos Tingorbamba and more
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Top attractions in Amazonas Region

Fortaleza de Kuelap
1. Fortaleza de Kuelap
Historical landmark
Sights & Landmarks
Mountaintop remains of a 6th-century walled settlement built by the Chachapoya culture.
Gocta Andes Lodge
2. Gocta Andes Lodge
Nature & Parks
Simple rooms & suites in a remote lodge offering dining, an outdoor pool & Gocta Waterfall views.
The Caverns of Quiocta
3. The Caverns of Quiocta
Nature & Parks
Caverns & Caves
Long cavern & former burial site with limestone rock formations & guided tours by flashlight.
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